Brawl Stars Janet

About New Brawler Janet​

And talking about the first new brawler coming with the following season, her name is Janet. She is from the Brawler Stu trio and is of rareté chromatique. En plus d'être chanteuse et acrobate, Janet est la vedette d'un spectacle à Parc Starr.

It can be unlocked starting at level 30 of the Season 12 Brawl Pass as a Destroyer-type and Chromatic rarity character. Players who acquire it will be able to unlock it as soon as they reach this milestone, and those who haven’t bought it will have the chance to unlock it by opening boxes.

  • Attaque primaire : Déclenche un falsetto qui se propage en forme de cône et endommage les adversaires. La différence est que plus vous maintenez le bouton de visée enfoncé, plus le projecteur d'attaque est plein (fermé).
  • Super capacité : Janet active son jetpack à l'aide du super bouton et vole pendant quelques secondes au-dessus du champ de bataille. Pendant qu'elle vole, elle peut également attaquer ses adversaires au sol.

Bonnie & Janet Brawl Stars – Wiki, Info, Skins and Attacks​

Brawl Stars Janet Skins​

When does Janet get out, and how does she get her?​​

Janet will be available in Brawl Stars at the beginning of Season 12, dated April 25. As for the method of obtaining, it will be the same as with all chromatic brawlers. She will be part of the next Battle Pass, with whose purchase we can also unlock an alternative aspect that characterizes her as a valkyrie. This skin will be available as a reward for completing the Brawl Pass.

Brawl Stars Clothing - Janet T-shirts​

Brawl Stars Clothing - Janet Hoodies​

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